Thursday 24 November 2011

Prototype #4

Mr.Nichol gave us a challange threw a sheet of paper to make the letters in a name stay together so I made this.

I thought it looked cool but i didnt like it as much as the puzzle piece. I might not go with this idea.

Some layers might be to thin
Maker bot might screw up on the lines
Don't like it as much as puzzle piece

Prototype #3

After working on the circle idea a friend showed me this.

Those gave me a idea to make a keychain idea like that with initials on it. So i made this.

This seems like a really cool idea and it could work.

Curve surface holes
Size (big or small enough)

I might try and model ths in the maker bot later.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Prototype v2

After working on my prototype I look at other designs for keychain here were some ideas

After looking at those I made this.

That is only prototype number 2.

Size (3 cm big enough?)

I'm welcome to any help and or feed back you may be able to give.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Beginning

I want to make a cool keychain. I already made a prototype.

But I don't think its cool enough. I want no block on the bottom. I only want the name.

I was thinking about 6 cm long and 3 cm wide and less then 1 cm high.

I want this to appeal to 16 year old boys

To Do
Build prototype-Done
Draw up new idea
Build another prototype
Evolve prototype
Make final product

Learn Front Experts
I went to to look at some cool keychains.
Here are some

I thought those were cool.

After all this research i might be ready for another prototype

Multiple pieces
Only one colour
Only select number of colours
Only 85 min a day to work on it

Monday 21 November 2011

Getting to know

Just startigno work with the maker bot and this is where i will document what im doing with the maker bot.