Friday 16 December 2011

Building my Robot

I started building my robot it looks like this

He took about 5 minutes to build

If he will fit onto the walker.
Troubles with Maker Bot building the over hang.

Visit: Last visit was fun. I got to talk to the kids, about what toys they would like. They were very creative with their drawings. I am very happy they let us come to there school for a visit and I am looking forward to my next visit to the elementary school. :)

Thursday 15 December 2011

Started design

made a prototype for my robot then broke it but got a picture of something before finishing.

It's the basic shape of the body.
After making a prototype I now have a good idea of what shapes I am going to be using to build him :)

Tuesday 13 December 2011

What I Did Today

Hey you guys.
Today I went to an elementary school. Talked to the kids and I have to make walker toys. One kid wanted a christmas tree. The other a robot. Here are some pictures.

This should be a challenge..

It was a little hard communicating with the kids but after I stopped talking and started listening it became a whole bunch easier. Next time I go there I hope I'll have these toys finished.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

The little guy named Buddy

I started working on the little guy I named Buddy.

I only have two pieces but it looks rather nice.


I can't make those plastic knuckles sadly but I have a new idea for a little man like person with multiple parts and bendable joint.

If you go on thing-averse you can search r maker you can see where i got the idea.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

My Passion Project

So at home I have a pair of brass knuckles. So I had an idea that I should make some out of the maker bot.

I designed them over a pair I've seen before so here they are.

My only problems i see with this is if they will fit my fingers  and if it will be strong enough to be able to hit with. Not saying I am going to try. :3

So I might try to make stronger pair but I don't know yet.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Being Bored

Kay so I have no idea what I am suppose to do now. I don't know what to do for tinker time so I'm just going to start building something cool.